我的阿勒泰 (My Altay)

By 李娟 (Li Juan)

本书为李娟“阿勒泰”系列代表作。 全书分为两辑。第一辑记忆之中(2007-2009),记录了在喀吾图和阿克哈拉村细碎坚忍的生活画面;第二辑角落之中(2002-2006),原生态书写了李娟和母亲及高龄的外婆随牧民迁徙、流动的日常:开杂货铺,当小裁缝,帮往来的牧民车衣裙,去大山深处采野生木耳;春天沙依恒布拉克草原上鼓胀的帐篷,夏季牧场上喧嚣盛大的阿肯弹唱会,入冬后瓷实的迢迢雪路……戈壁、草原、森林、雪山、骏马和牧人,细腻明亮的文字展现了游牧民族在边地深远丰富的生存景观。
-- from Amazon.
This book details the author (Li Juan)'s experience living in Altay, Xinjiang, offering a vivid portrait of its people, landscapes and everyday life.

This is a book that leaves space for readers to ponder their own definitions of "a good life".  It does not seek to romanticise the realities of living in Xinjiang. Rather,  Li Juan simply lays her life out with quiet honesty, inviting her audience to take a glimpse into her lived experiences and thereby reflect on their own lives and what they seek.

- Jing Jing, NAS