Little Passing Thoughts

By Orfeo Tagiuri

Orfeo Tagiuri scribbles day and night on a small notebook. He tears away some of the drawings, to throw in the bin because they’re not good enough, to give away to friends — to have a laugh or to remember a moment — or to sell to a stranger who shared the exact same feeling or thought, for what Orfeo draws with a black pen are universal emotions. This pocket-sized book, compiling over 350 drawings, is meant to be carried everywhere and opened just when one needs to take a break, get inspired, and breathe.
-- from Chose Commune.
A good life often feels like a collection of fleeting, simple thoughts. Was so inspired by this lil book, tbh it made me feel like carrying my own notebook around and just jot/draw my random lil thoughts away too.

- Aqilah, CCKPL