Fulgurances #1: The Almanach of Contemporary Cuisine

By Fulgurances

Fulgurances, “Itineraries of contemporary cuisine”, is a bilingual French and English magazine. Imagined and edited by the team behind the Fulgurances restaurant as a contemplative travel log, it offers a subjective overview of contemporary cuisine at a precise moment in time.
-- from Stack Magazines.
I'm always in awe of people who are passionate in the things they do - life becomes truly vibrant when we are passionate about something. This is a contemplative travel log by a restaurant in Paris; telling the tales of the people who make the culinary world such an exciting and moving adventure. one saying that struck me was "we attain perfection through imperfection because if things are too perfect, they are bland and one gets bored. Its beautiful but lacks feeling".

- Aqilah, CCKPL