小日子享生活志 #132:《你還好嗎?》

By 小日子享生活志 (One Little Day)


於是,在2024 年末的特刊裡,我們想向最在乎的讀者們問句「你還好嗎?」並設想了五種不同的回應與心境,也許現在的你正是最好的時候,或是處在不上不下的停滯期,即使過得不太好也沒關係⋯⋯無論翻開這本雜誌的此刻是什麼樣的生命狀態,我們誠摯邀請不同時期的你,依循著書側色標,透過一篇篇精選的人生故事,凝望當下的自己。
-- from 小日子享生活志.
This is a collection of life reflections, covering a whole myriad of experiences from strawberry picking to grieving. Regardless, each entry is a form of personal introspection. I hope you find some pieces you resonate with, and take comfort that you're not alone in figuring out how to deal with the biggest monster out there otherwise known as life.

- Li Lin, SD